Year 13 English (Level 3)
Subject Description
Head of Faculty:
Level 3 English is a course that teaches students how to develop a critical response to a range of visual and written texts. This course is designed to equip students with the skills needed to study at tertiary level. They extend their reading into critical literature that develops speaking skills for tertiary studies.
Students undertake a personal project in an area of literature or language that is of interest to them. To foster personal growth, students also develop their own assessment task from a range of options.
The course is open to all but students are advised to consider their Level 2 results and to be aware that the Level 3 programme is challenging. Students should seek their English teacher’s advice or speak to the Head of Faculty if in doubt.
Parents and students should be aware that Auckland University will require 17 credits in Level 2 or Level 3 English for admission to all courses in addition to the 10 UE literacy credits required by NZQA. Students who do not have 17 credits in Level 2 English should also discuss their options with the Head of Faculty.
Assessment Information
Three internal assessments, two external standards in a three-hour exam.Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
English 3.1 - Respond critically to specified aspect(s) of studied written text(s), supported by evidence
English 3.2 - Respond critically to specified aspect(s) of studied visual or oral text(s), supported by evidence
English 3.3 - Respond critically to significant aspects of unfamiliar written texts through close reading, supported by evidence
English 3.4 - Produce a selection of fluent and coherent writing which develops, sustains, and structures ideas
English 3.5 - Create and deliver a fluent and coherent oral text which develops, sustains, and structures ideas
English 3.7 - Respond critically to significant connections across texts, supported by evidence
English 3.8 - Develop an informed understanding of literature and/or language using critical texts
English 3.9 - Respond critically to significant aspects of visual and/or oral text(s) through close reading, supported by evidence
Approved subject for University Entrance
Number of credits that can be used for overall endorsement: 32
Only students engaged in learning and achievement derived from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa are eligible to be awarded these subjects as part of the requirement for 14 credits in each of three subjects.
Possible Careers
Mining Engineer, Actor, Advertising Specialist, Copywriter, Business Analyst, Archivist, Art Director (Film, Television or Stage), Historian, Artistic Director, Barrister, Author, Flight Attendant, Urban/Regional Planner, Elected Government Representative, Psychologist, Trainer, Journalist, Communications Professional, Interpreter, Pharmacist, Technical Writer, Legal Executive, Editor, Solicitor, Corrections Officer, Data Entry Operator/Transcriptionist, Foreign Policy Officer, Radio Presenter, Workplace Relations Adviser, Early Childhood Teacher, Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Financial Adviser, Immigration Officer, Primary School Teacher, Kaiwhakaako Māori, Market Research Analyst, Tertiary Lecturer, Private Teacher/Tutor, Secondary School Teacher, Speech-Language Therapist, Marketing Specialist,