Accounting Scholarship

Subject Description

Head of Faculty: Mrs D. Kiely.

This course will extend the Level 3 Accounting programme by adding depth and breadth to the student’s knowledge. Extra-curricular tuition and workshops will prepare the students for the critical and analytical nature of the end-of-year examination. Candidates should demonstrate wide knowledge and wide reading. They must be able to respond critically to demanding resources and use skills of interpretation, analysis and evaluation.

Students will be able to enter this course in Term 1.

Course Overview 

There are four questions covering the following topics:

  • Preparation of a combination of a statement of comprehensive income and/or statement of financial position and/or a statement of changes of equity, and accompanying notes for a company, prepared for external reporting purposes. 
  • Demonstrate understanding of management accounting to inform decision-making. 
  • Demonstrate understanding of the conceptual basis (NZ Framework). 
  • A current issue (resources to be provided). Candidates will need to write a thorough and sophisticated response to this question, using the resources provided. Independent and critical thinking will be required to respond to an unfamiliar scenario.



Students sitting Level 2 or Level 3 Accounting and with a keen interest in the subject will be highly suited to Scholarship Accounting.